WooCommerce Text Changed to Donation-Related Terms

WooCommerce terminology has been replaced by donation-specific terms, impacting regular product sales and customer experience.
Donation Platform for WooCommerce does not change the core functionality of WooCommerce, so you can continue to sell products normally. However, the wording in the user frontend has been adjusted. For example, the order summary is now called “Your Donation” instead of “Your Order”, the title of the order history and the texts of the emails have also been adjusted accordingly.

You can change this behavior by enabling compatibility mode: https://wc-donation.wcdp.jonh.eu/documentation/usage/making-your-webshop-and-donation-platform-work-together-a-guide-to-compatibility-mode/
Another solution would be to use a WordPress multisite (or an extra WordPress installation) to separate Donation and Webshop. Or you use Loco Translate to change the text to whatever you like.