Donation Platform for WooCommerce (from version 1.2.0) supports Express Donations with Apple Pay / Google Pay / PayPal. This functionality is currently only available on the product page and not when using the wcdp_donation_form
In order to use Express Donations you have to install at least one of the following free plugins:
- WooCommerce PayPal Payments:
- WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway:
You have to activate the express buttons in the payment gateway settings.
Apple Pay & Google Pay (Stripe)
- First create a Stripe account & install the official Stripe Payment Gateway for WooCommerce
- Follow the Stripe instructions to set up the plugin (link account, webhooks etc.)
- Enable “Enable express checkouts” under WooCommerce Settings -> Payment -> Stripe – Credit Card. Make sure that under “Show express checkouts on” the “Product Page” option is checked.
- Click on “Customize appearance” and select “Donate” as the call to action
By the way, if the donor clicks on the Express Donation button before making a donation amount selection, the original product price is automatically used.
- Create a PayPal Business account and install the latest PayPal for WooCommerce plugin.
- Follow the PayPal instructions to set up the plugin (link account, webhooks etc.)
- Go to WooCommerce settings -> Payment -> PayPal and enable the option “Enable buttons on Single Product”