Leaderboard Missing Donations

When using Donation Platform for WooCommerce, you might encounter an issue where the leaderboard is missing some donations or does not display any donations at all, even though there should be some. Here are the common causes and their solutions:

1. Donations Not Marked as Completed

Only donations with the status Completed are included in the Leaderboard.


Ensure that all relevant donations are marked as Completed in your WooCommerce orders. To do this:

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Orders.
  2. Locate the donation orders.
  3. Verify their status and update them to Completed if necessary.

2. Caching Plugin Delays

Some caching plugins may delay updates to your site’s data, preventing the leaderboard from displaying recent donations.


  1. Clear the Cache: Go to your caching plugin’s settings and clear the cache.
  2. Decrease Cache Time: Reducing the cache duration minimizes the period during which the leaderboard may display outdated data.
  3. Disable Temporarily: Temporarily disable the caching plugin to check if the leaderboard updates correctly.

3. Internal Cache Out of Sync

The internal cache of Donation Platform for WooCommerce might occasionally become out of sync due to certain edge cases.


  1. Wait for Auto-Refresh: The internal cache refreshes automatically within 6 hours.
  2. Manual Refresh: If immediate action is needed:
    • Go to the plugin’s settings.
    • Delete the internal cache manually to force an update.

4. WooCommerce Analytics Not Enabled

The leaderboard relies on WooCommerce Analytics to display donation data. If WooCommerce Analytics is disabled, the leaderboard may not function correctly.


  • Enable WooCommerce Analytics:
    • Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Features.
    • Check the option to enable WooCommerce Analytics.
  • Import Historical Orders:
    • Go to WooCommerce > Analytics > Settings.
    • Import historical orders to ensure the analytics data is up-to-date.

By addressing these common issues, your leaderboard should display donation data accurately and function as expected.