Disable the New Product Editor in WooCommerce

Donation Platform for WooCommerce currently does not support the new product editor that WooCommerce is developing. This feature is still in beta, but WooCommerce may automatically enable it for a small subset of new users to gather usage data and improve the feature. To ensure compatibility with Donation Platform for WooCommerce, you need to disable the new product editor.

Steps to Disable the New Product Editor

Follow these steps to disable the new product editor in WooCommerce:

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce Settings:
    • Go to WooCommerce in the left-hand menu.
    • Click on Settings.
  3. Access the Advanced Settings:
    • Within the WooCommerce Settings, select the Advanced tab.
  4. Disable Experimental Features:
    • In the Advanced tab, look for the Experimental features section.
    • Locate the setting for the New Product Editor.
    • Uncheck the box to disable the new product editor.
  5. Save Changes:
    • Scroll down and click the Save changes button to apply your settings.

The link to this setting looks like this: example.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=advanced&section=features

Additional Notes

  • WooCommerce Beta Features: WooCommerce sometimes enables beta features for a subset of users to collect data and improve the features before a full release. If you notice any new or experimental features causing issues, it’s best to check your settings and disable them if necessary.
  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on updates from WooCommerce and Donation Platform for WooCommerce. Compatibility improvements and support for new features may be added in future releases.


Disabling the new product editor is a straightforward process that ensures compatibility with Donation Platform for WooCommerce. By following the steps outlined above, you can prevent potential issues and maintain the smooth operation of your donation platform. For any further assistance or updates, regularly check the documentation and support channels of WooCommerce and Donation Platform for WooCommerce.