Setting Up Variable Recurring Donations with WooCommerce Subscriptions

To offer multiple donation schedules on your WooCommerce store, you’ll need the premium WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. Follow the steps below to set up variable recurring donations using the plugin.


Steps to Set Up Variable Recurring Donations:

  1. Install WooCommerce Subscriptions:
    • Download and install the WooCommerce Subscriptions premium plugin from the WooCommerce website.
  2. Create a New WooCommerce Product:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to Products > Add New.
  3. Configure the Product as a Variable Subscription:
    • Under the Product Data section, select Variable subscription from the dropdown menu.
  4. Add Product Attributes:
    • Navigate to the Attributes tab.
    • Add a new custom product attribute or use existing ones. For this example, we will create a custom attribute.
      • Enter a name (e.g., Donation Frequency).
      • Add values separated by a vertical bar (e.g., one-time|monthly|quarterly|yearly).
      • Ensure that both Visible on the product page and Used for variations are checked.
    • Save the attributes.
  5. Create Variations:
    • Navigate to the Variations tab.
    • Select Create variations from all attributes and click Go.
    • WooCommerce will generate variations for each attribute combination.
  6. Set Subscription Details for Each Variation:
    • Edit each variation to set the subscription price and schedule.
      • For monthly donations, set the schedule to “every month”.
      • For quarterly donations, set the schedule to “every 3 months”.
      • For yearly donations, set the schedule to “every year”.
    • Check both Enabled and Virtual for each variation.
    • For one-time donations, set the “Subscription expires after” field to “1 month” (or another appropriate period indicating a single payment cycle).
  7. Save Changes:
    • Click Save changes in the Variations tab.
    • Update the entire product to ensure all changes are applied.
  8. Customize the Donation Form Layout:
    • Navigate to the Donation Form tab.
    • Set the layout of the individual rows according to your preferences.

By following these steps, you will enable multiple donation schedules for your WooCommerce store, allowing your customers to choose between one-time, monthly, quarterly, and yearly donations.