First Steps

  1. Install WooCommerce & Donation Platform for WooCommerce
  2. Set up your WooCommerce store (address, payment methods, etc.)
    You can find detailed instructions and documentation for this on the WooCommerce site and numerous other blogs.
  3. Activate compatibility mode if you want to also sell normal products on your website.
  4. Add a new product:
    Important: Specify a price (default donation amount) for the product. (Only products with a regular price can be sold. If the price is not within the minimum and maximum donation amount, it is not a problem, just no default donation amount is set).
    – Make it virtual (optional)
    Important: Activate Donation Project. Only products marked as Donation Project can be used in donation forms
    – navigate to the “Donation Form” tab
  1. You can use the Shortcode to insert the donation form anywhere you want
  2. You can enter a Fundraising Goal and an End Date.
    Please note: These two settings have no influence on whether donations can be made to the project. You can manually pause/terminate a fundraising campaign at any time by setting the product to “out of stock”.
  3. Publish your product and check out the product page. You should see something like this:
  1. Congratulations! You have published your first donation form.
  2. Using the shortcode and the Gutenberg block, you can now add the donation form anywhere you want.

Note: Donation Platform for WooCommerce modifies WooCommerce for donation purposes. While it doesn’t change WooCommerce’s core functionality, it alters user frontend text. To use it parallelly with a regular store, enable compatibility mode or use a separate WordPress installation.

Next Steps

  • Under the WooCommerce Settings → Donations tab, adjust the settings to your needs.
  • Explore the different styles for the donation form and also the individual rows
  • Add a variable product

Known Issues

  1. Donation Platform for WooCommerce is not yet compatible with the new WooCommerce checkout Gutenberg Block. Please use the legacy [woocommerce_checkout] Shortcode instead.
  2. Donation Platform for WooCommerce is not compatible with the new product editor, please make sure to disable this setting in WooCommerce Settings -> Advanced -> Experimental features
  3. Please do not add the donation form Shortcode to the header of your site, as this might cause issues.
  4. Some themes and plugins have issues with Styles 1-3 and 5 of the donation form. If you are experiencing issues, please use style 4 instead.

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